Fruits are my favorite food . I can stand all day on fruits and still to feel fed. There is almost no fruit that I dislike . Therefore I felt assured that in Thailand I will not stay hungry. This article will describe the fruits that I saw there and tried.
Coconut : In Bulgaria I ate a lot of coconuts , all we know, small brown with oval. In Thailand , however, they are green and at least 4-5 times bigger . Inside there is milk instead of a nut. It is served in two versions . First they split the top. One way is directly as a liquid to drink , they just give you a straw or pour it into a shaker, they scraped coconut from the inside , it's like mucilage , put some ice shake it and turn it back into the coconut . I can only say that this is a unique shake. Coconuts are everywhere in the streets , even on the beach there are quite fallen on the sand .Bananas : Bananas exist in Bulgaria , but the taste is different . The Thais are very small bananas, which are with much statured taste much sweeter than the normal ones .Mangostin : When we were at the farm for elephants, our staff had prepared lunch for the first time I’ve tried mangostin then. It looks like a persimmon , but brown in colour . The shell is very hard and the inside is small white pieces. Terribly sweet and delicious fruit. Dzhakfrut One of the days we made the transition into the jungle , then we shot a fruit tree , which I did not know what it was, did not dare pick . Later I saw it on the streets sold cut in pieces because it is quite large, but we never tried it. It has quite a strong and unpleasant smell , but as far as I understood is sweet in taste.
Longan: When we were on Koh Samui, we were brought in the room regularly a bowl of fruit. One is Longan. These are small brown balls with a thin crust, and inside is a round white translucent fruit -flavored it is pitted .
Rambutan : Another fruit that was in the bowl is rambutan . This fruit which I love a lot . Looks hairy. The crust is full of hairs in appearance resembles the bark of chestnut. The fruit is white again taste similar to that of Longan.
Other fruit that I ate every day , when we had breakfast are: pineapple , watermelon, melon , papaya, pomelo and a dragon fruit .
Papaya : This fruit I had tried before, they have it in Spain as well. It looks like a pumpkin, but is much softer. I noticed that the birds at the zoo are fed by papaya. Mango : Mango is in Bulgaria too. But the truth is that the taste of what they experience in Thailand was nothing like this in Bulgaria . The mango there is quite large , its color is yellowish -orange . When you cut the juice is dense as honey and sweet. Amazing and delicious fruit. It is sold as all and as a shake. I tried salad with mango, which was slightly spicy .The fruits in Thailand are present in salads. One night at the hotel I ate salad with watermelon, dragon fruit , shrimp drenched in coconut cream. This time the salad was not spicy . In the dishes they also use fruits such as pineapple with rice or chicken nuggets with pepper , onion and pineapple. In Thailand there are many other fruits that I did not have the opportunity to try, but I'm sure that we would have liked .